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5 Reasons You’re Missing Out by Not Running Your eCommerce on HubSpot


Managing an eCommerce business often means dealing with disjointed systems, multiple platforms, and clunky integrations. This can lead to inefficiencies, scattered data, and frustration for both your team and customers. By moving your eCommerce to HubSpot, powered by CommercePro, you eliminate the headaches caused by third-party platforms, bringing all your operations—sales, payments, and customer management—into one powerful CRM.

With everything centralized, your business can operate more smoothly, increase sales, and provide a better customer experience. Here’s why bringing eCommerce to HubSpot with CommercePro is a smarter move for your business.

Want to simplify your eCommerce operations and eliminate the chaos of third-party platforms? Contact us today for a free demo of HubSpot and CommercePro.

Centralized Customer Data for Better Insights


When you rely on multiple platforms to manage customer data, orders, and payments, you’re left with an incomplete view of your customers’ journey. By moving your eCommerce operations to HubSpot, you unify all your customer data into one platform. With CommercePro deployed, you can manage everything from order histories to payments within HubSpot, ensuring a seamless flow of information.


Recent research shows businesses using centralized CRM systems experience a 29% boost in sales and a 36% increase in customer retention’. By centralizing data with HubSpot and CommercePro, you gain powerful insights that allow you to personalize customer interactions and drive revenue growth.

 Automate Marketing and Sales Workflows

Growing an eCommerce business at scale requires automation. HubSpot’s marketing automation tools allow you to trigger workflows based on customer behaviors—whether it’s sending a follow-up after an abandoned cart or creating personalized offers based on past purchases. With CommercePro, this automation extends into payment and sales processes, ensuring a smooth and seamless journey for your customers from browsing to checkout.

Statistics from Sales Fusion showed the success of process automation technology. 77% of the interviewed business owners were able to increase conversions. Besides increasing sales, automation decreases overhead costs by 12.2%. B2B marketers saw an increase of 10% in sales by implementing automation.

With CommercePro, you can automate payment follow-ups, track orders, and streamline the checkout process—all from within HubSpot.

Eliminate the Complexity of Third-Party Platforms

Managing multiple platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce can create bottlenecks in your operations. These third-party systems often require complex integrations and result in fragmented customer data. CommercePro solves this problem by enabling eCommerce functionality natively within HubSpot.

By eliminating the need for third-party platforms, you simplify your processes and remove the risks associated with data silos and integration failures. Businesses that unify their eCommerce operations within a CRM see engagement grow by 20% and boosts conversion rates  .


Deliver Personalized Customer Experiences

Today’s customers expect personalized experiences that cater to their specific needs. HubSpot’s CRM enables you to track customer behavior and tailor interactions accordingly. With CommercePro, you can take personalization to the next level by offering custom payment options and personalized checkout experiences based on the customer’s unique preferences.


Gain Real-Time Insights with Advanced Analytics

HubSpot’s powerful analytics tools allow you to monitor every aspect of your eCommerce performance. From tracking revenue by product to analyzing customer buying trends, you’ll have all the data you need to optimize your strategy. When CommercePro is deployed, you gain additional insights into your payment and order processes, helping you identify bottlenecks and fine-tune your operations.

Businesses using advanced analytics see up to a 30% increase in operational efficiency according to Deloitte . With HubSpot and CommercePro, you can make data-driven decisions that accelerate growth and ensure every aspect of your eCommerce runs smoothly.



Bringing your eCommerce operations to HubSpot with CommercePro allows you to consolidate your sales, marketing, and payments into a single, powerful platform. By eliminating the need for third-party systems, you streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and create opportunities for scalable growth. With automated workflows, personalized interactions, and real-time data insights, your business can operate more efficiently and make smarter decisions.

With everything housed under one system, CommercePro and HubSpot give you the tools to build a seamless and scalable eCommerce strategy for long-term success.

Ready to streamline your eCommerce operations? Contact us today for a personalized demo of HubSpot and CommercePro.


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