
CommercePro vs Shopify for B2B Commerce on HubSpot

Written by Boyd Wason | 14 December 2023

Online commerce has been a staple for B2C businesses for quite some time, and now it's catching on among B2B businesses aiming for a more streamlined approach to commerce. 

Given the high-value and complex nature of transactions in the B2B sector, choosing the right e-commerce platform is crucial for a business's bottom line. This blog explores two top contenders: CommercePro and Shopify. Both platforms offer solid commerce management solutions, but their integration with HubSpot, a popular CRM tool, differs, as does their level of service and support. In this article, we'll delve into a detailed comparison to gauge how well they cater to B2B companies using HubSpot.

Integration with HubSpot:

  • Native Integration: Being embedded within HubSpot, CommercePro offers a integration that eradicates the hurdles of third-party platforms. Its application deployment within HubSpot ensures a streamlined flow of data, allowing for real-time updates and interactions within a familiar interface.

  • Unified View: CommercePro provides a unified view of commerce activities directly on HubSpot, enabling businesses to monitor and manage transactions, customer interactions, and inventory without the need to juggle between platforms.

  • Third-party Integration: Shopify requires a third-party integration to connect with HubSpot. Although functional, this external integration can present data synchronization delays and may require additional setup and maintenance to ensure smooth operation.

  • Separate Platforms: With Shopify, businesses operate on a separate platform from HubSpot, which could potentially lead to fragmented views of customer data and transactions.

Ease of Use:

  • Simplified Operations: CommercePro’s operation within the HubSpot environment ensures a shallow learning curve for businesses already accustomed to HubSpot’s interface.

  • Independent Interface: Shopify operates on its own interface, requiring users to adapt to a different environment, which could entail additional training and adaptation.


Customization and Flexibility:

  • Tailored Solutions: CommercePro allows for customization within the HubSpot ecosystem, empowering businesses to tailor their online stores to unique brand identities and business needs.

  • Template-based Customization: While Shopify offers customization, it primarily relies on templates which may limit the level of tailoring to a business’s specific needs.


Support and Scalability:

  • Dedicated Support: CommercePro offers personalized assistance from e-commerce experts, alongside robust scalability to meet the growing demands of B2B enterprises.

  • Community Support: Shopify has a large community and a variety of resources available, but the support experience may vary especially when dealing with third-party integrations like HubSpot.



  • With its build on HubSpot, CommercePro eradicates platform maintenance requirements, standing out for businesses seeking a hassle-free, data-rich solution without the reliance on third-party plugins.

  • Shopify requires maintenance primarily handled by Shopify's development team, especially concerning the integration with HubSpot. This maintenance ensures the compatibility between the platforms.


Native vs Third Party Integrations:

  • Operating without the need for external integration, CommercePro unlocks advanced commerce powered CRM features including memberships, subscriptions, configurable dashboards, and more, providing a unified platform for efficient management of key operational aspects.

  • Shopify relies on third-party tools and lacks integrations for a configurable admin function/login area despite offering native integrations for Wholesale/B2B Selling and multiple customizable payment options.


eCommerce Platform Fees:

  • CommercePro is available for a small licensing fee on top of the HubSpot subscription with no charges for plugins. By integrating Stripe, users can benefit from low fees of 2.9% plus 30 cents per transaction, presenting a significantly lower ongoing total cost of ownership.

  • Attractive with a $0 hosting fee, Shopify’s pricing starts at $2000 for the Basic Plus plan, increasing with transaction volumes.